As part of the Institute of Materials Research and Engineering (IMRE) and Quantum Innovation Centre (Q.InC) at A*STAR, we have access to state-of-the-art facilities. Here we introduce some of the techniques frequently employed in our group.
Electron Beam Lithography
A focused beam of electrons is accelerated at high voltage to directly write patterns on an electron-beam sensitive resist. Resolution down to 10 nm is possible.
Thermal Scanning Probe
A heated nano-probe tip is used to directly sublimate thermally sensitive resist to create patterns. Resolution down 20 nm is possible.
2D Materials and Liquid Metal Oxides Integration
Liquid metals provide an interesting avenue to synthesize uniform, large area 2D oxide films with nanometre scale thicknesses. In-house capabilities include synthesis, direct print and integration with different substrates and 2D materials, and post-treatment such as high temperature annealing to tune material properties.
A one-of-its-kind development, the ‘cleanbox’ is a customized set of integrated gloveboxes equipped with all the necessary tools to complete a device fabrication process without exposing sensitive quantum materials to ambient conditions, where oxygen and water can cause unwanted degradation. Capabilities include solvent processing, 2D material transfer, spincoating, metal evaporation, atomic layer deposition, and thermal scanning probe lithography
Scanning Transmission Electron Microscopy
X-ray & Angle-Resolved Photoemission Spectroscopy
Circular Dichroic Photoluminescence & Raman Spectroscopy
Variable Temperature Cryo-probe Station
This vacuum probe station enables high throughput electrical characterization for routine screening and also in-depth temperature dependent studies.
Dilution Refrigerators
Our two BlueFors dilution refrigerators equipped with superconducting 3D vector magnets enable magneto-transport measurements at temperatures down to 20 mK, where exotic quantum transport phenomena manifest.
Let's Collaborate
Have any questions? We are always open to talk about our reseach, new projects, and opportunities to collaborate.